What is solicited feedback?

Ask your customer's feedback

What is a solicited feedback?

By solicitate, we mean requesting a feedback from your customer.
These solicitations are done by using two channels:

This solicitation can be sent at any moment of the customer Journey: after an order, a delivery, an appointment, a phone call to the Customer Service... the possibilities are endless!

In both cases, the customer receives a communication with a Goodays link that will land him on a survey related to the experience with your brand. The customer will also have the possibility to leave a typed verbatim (compliment, problem, suggestion, or question).


Whether sent by Goodays or directly by you, a solicitation email always contains one (or more) Goodays solicitation link(s).

Who will send your emails?


In the case of SMS, the customer receives a simple text message with a Goodays solicitation link.

Who will send your SMS?