Gives access to all Goodays features for your iOS apps.


The iOS SDK is being depreciated. We strongly advise against integrating it into your mobile application.

:arrow-right: Please consult your Goodays contact to explore the possibilities.


The iOS SDK allows you to:

  • Open a Store Locator interface
  • Or, for a given point of sale :
    • Opening a feedback submission interface
    • Obtaining the customer relationship score
    • Obtaining the satisfaction score
    • Display the Store Display


The iOS SDK is only available in Objective-C.


  • Add the Goodays SDK by adding the following line to your Podfile.
pod 'Critizr-ios', :git => '', :tag => '1.2.11'
  • Then install it
pod install
  • Import headers Critizr.h before calling methods on the Goodays SDK:
#import <Critizr/Critizr.h>
  • Fill in the Goodays API Key in the info.plist file before calling methods on the Goodays SDK:
<string>Critizr API Key</string>

Fill in the Goodays environment in the info.plist file before calling methods on the Goodays SDK (don't forget to replace it with your own):

 <string>PreProduction</string> //OR <string>Production</string>



Launch interfaces CRFeedbackDialog or CRFeedbackDialogDelegate


+ (CRFeedbackDialog *) feedbackDialog

Returns an instance of CRFeedbackDialog that you can use to launch Goodays interfaces.

[CRFeedbackDialog feedbackDialog];

- (void) presentFeedbackDialogFrom: (UIViewController *)viewController

Launches the Store Locator Interface as a modal, using the UIViewController indicated. Customers are therefore invited to choose the point of sale to which their feedback should be sent.

[feedbackDialog presentFeedbackDialogFrom:self withParams:NULL];

- (void) presentFeedbackDialogFrom:(UIViewController )viewController WithStoreIdString:(NSString )storeId

Launches the Feedback Submission Interface as a modal, using the UIViewController indicated, for the storeId point of sale.

NSString *storeID = @"velo-brest";
[feedbackDialog presentFeedbackDialogFrom:self withStoreIdString:storeID withParams:NULL];

- (void) presentStoreDisplayDialogFrom:(UIViewController )viewController WithStoreIdString:(NSString )storeId

Launches the Store Display Interface as a modal, using the indicated UIViewController, for the storeId point of sale.

NSString *storeID = @"velo-brest";
[feedbackDialog presentStoreDisplayDialogFrom:self withStoreIdString:storeID withParams:NULL];


Your UIViewController can follow the CRFeedbackDialogDelegate protocol and thus be notified of events that relate to your CRFeedbackDialog via the following method calls:

- (void) feedbackDialogDidCloseWithMessageSent: (BOOL)messageSent

Method that is called when the feedback submission interface completes. If a comment has been sent by the user during the process, messageSent will be set to YES.

Retrieving data : CRSdk or CRSdkDelegate


+ (CRSdk ) critizrSDKInstanceWithAPIKey: (NSString )apiKey andDelegate: (id)delegate;

Returns an instance of CRSdk that you can use to retrieve data relating to Goodays.

CRSdk *sdk = [CRSdk critizrSDKInstance:self];

- (void) fetchRatingForPlace:(NSString *)aPlaceId withDelegate:(id)aDelegate;

Allows you to retrieve the customer relationship score attributed to a point of sale with ID "<posId>". This method is asynchronous, in that, when the customer relationship score is retrieved, the [critizrPlaceRatingFetched] method of the CRSdkDelegate is called.

NSString *storeID = @"<posId>";
[sdk fetchRatingForPlace:storeID withDelegate:self];


Your UIViewController (or any class) can follow the CRSdkDelegate protocol in order to be called by the following methods:

- (void)critizrPlaceRatingFetched:(double)customerRelationshipRating withSatisfaction:(double)satisfactionRating

This method is called in response to the fetchRatingForPlace:withDelegate: method in CRSdk.
customerRelationshipRating corresponds to the customer relationship score, and satisfactionRating corresponds to the satisfaction score of the point of sale you specified.

- (void) critizrPlaceRatingError:(NSError *)anError

Method called in response to the fetchRatingForPlace:withDelegate: method, in the event that an error occurs.

Practical example

#import "ViewController.h"
#import <Critizr/Critizr.h>
@interface ViewController () <CRSdkDelegate>
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    NSString *storeID = @"velo-brest";
    NSDictionary *params = @{
        @"mode" : @"feedback",
        @"user" : @"TWljaGFlbHxTY290dHxtaWNoYWVsLnNjb3R0QGR1bmRlcm1pZmZsaW4uY29tfDAxMjM0NTY3ODl8MTIzQUJD"
    // The user value corresponds to this string encoded in base64: Michael|Scott|[email protected]|0123456789|123ABC encodé en BASE64

    // Collect part
    // Launch a modal to display the Store Locator
    // It is possible to launch the modal without parameter by passing NULL as parameter:
    CRFeedbackDialog *feedbackDialog = [CRFeedbackDialog feedbackDialog];
    [feedbackDialog presentFeedbackDialogFrom:self withParams:params];
    // Launch a modal to send feedback to the "velo-brest" point of sale:
    // It is possible to launch the modal without parameter by passing NULL as parameter:
    [feedbackDialog presentFeedbackDialogFrom:self withStoreIdString:storeID withParams:params];
    // Showcase part
    // Launch a modal to display the Store Display to the "velo-brest" point of sale:
    [feedbackDialog presentStoreDisplayDialogFrom:self withStoreIdString:storeID withParams:NULL];
    //To retrieve the ratings related to the point of sale:
    CRSdk *sdk = [CRSdk critizrSDKInstance:self];
    [sdk fetchRatingForPlace:storeID withDelegate:self];

- (void)critizrPlaceRatingFetched:(double)customerRelationshipRating withSatisfaction:(double)satisfactionRating {
  	//The Customer Relationshio Score:
    NSLog(@"%f", customerRelationshipRating);
    //The Satisfaction Score:
    NSLog(@"%f", satisfactionRating);

- (void)critizrPlaceRatingError:(NSError *)anError {