How to integrate Goodays valorization to my website?

Your network of points of sale collects satisfaction scores and verbatims with Goodays and you would like to use these ratings and comments on your website?

This is your lucky day: we offer ready-to-use widgets to do it!

Our widgets are very easy to install: either with a code editor or a tag manager (Google Tag Manager, Tagcommander...)

Features to be set up

Display of the point of sale score

With this feature you will be able to display the ratings of your points of sale on each of your specific pages.

Display the latest remarks

What if, in addition to the score, you posted the latest remarks processed by your local managers?
This way your customers can see that you are really responding to their feedback!

How to implement these features

Add the Web SDK

This SDK has to be implemented on every page using Goodays.
More information here.

Add the selected widgets

Display a point of sales score

You can choose between the two Goodays ratings:

Display the latest remarks

Add this widget to the right place on each webpage dedicated to your points of sales.


Technical Integration Documentation

Once your configuration has been deployed in Goodays, we will provide you a technical integration documentation that will allow you to obtain directly and very easily all the technical information necessary to integrate the Goodays widgets on your perimeter.